A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

MFA Prep Course is an artist simulator and training application for those seriously considering advanced degrees in the field of visual arts.

For gallery exhibitions, the game is played with a dual analogue controller. The two arms are controlled with the two analogue sticks respectively. The buttons on the right and left analogue sticks control the picking up and dropping of items for the corresponding hand. The home version uses wasd + space and the mouse.

MFA Prep Course was created in the winter of 2010 by Marek Kapolka and John Bruneau. It was exhibited at Works/San Jose that same year as part of Ring in the New. In 2011 is was shown as part of the SxM Guild official selection in the Black Gallery at San Jose State University.

The work is an interactive exploration of the idealized life of an artist. It is a game in so far as it occupies the same sociological slot that a game does- it is an escape from the drudgery of daily life, and allows the player to live the fulfilling and relaxing life that they wished they could. The game richly simulates the experience of drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. Individual cigarettes will burn out, and individual cups of coffee will be depleted, but there are always more cigarettes in the box, and more coffee available in the machine, thus the pleasure and angst of completing a cup of coffee or cigarette are captured, but not the terror of running out for good.
- Marek Kapolka


Second Place Finalist, "MFA Prep Course", Games Category, CSU Media Arts Festival, California State University Fullerton. 2011


SxM Guild Show, "MFA Prep Course," Black Gallery, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. curators: Cody McCabe and Tamara Hoyt. 2011 (juried)

Ring in the New, "MFA Prep Course," Works Gallery, San Jose, CA. 2010 (member’s exhibition)


Tim Wee, "Browser Game Pick: MFA Prep Course (Marek Kapolka and John Bruneau)," Indie Games, Jul 18, 2011

Pietro Polsinelli, "Five smart, different, creative indie browser games," Gamamoto, Sep 1, 2011

Octavio Ortega, "MFA Prep Course," Gizmos, Jul 19, 2011

Victor Rosso, "One of the biggest jokes in the flash game world," Sens Critique, Aug 24, 2013

Chad Comeau, "Fun Free Browser Games," Fring Frang, Aug 07, 2013

Pierre Corbinais, "MFA Prep Course," l’Oujevipo, Jul 22, 2011

Victor Depardieu, "MFA Prep Course, l'énorme foutage de gueule vidéoludique," Le Blog d'un Cochon Aviateur au Nom Hybride, Sep 7, 2013

Lewis Denby, "This week's best free PC games," PC Gamer, Jul 22, 2011 (archived pdf)

Herr Fabu, "MFA Prep Course," Superlevel, Jul 18, 2011 (archived pdf)

Florian Bayer, "Antispiel: MFA Prep Course ," Site 360, Jul 18, 2011 (archived pdf)


mfa_prep_course_win.zip 7.1 MB
mfa_prep_course_mac.zip 83 MB
mfa_prep_course_swf.zip 797 kB

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